Kallfass Logi Wrap 500 3D Shrink Wrapping Various Products

Machine: Logi Wrap 500 3D
Industry: Print and Paper
Product: Print Products

Kallfass Logi Wrap 500 3D Shrink Wrapping Textiles

Machine: Logi Wrap 500 3D
Industry: Textiles/Shoes/Accessories
Product: Textiles

Kallfass Servo Packer 500 Demonstrating It’s Swivel Arms

Machine: Servo Packer 500
Industry: Print and Paper
Product: Newspaper

Kallfass Servo Packer 500 Shrink Wrapping Calendars

Machine: Servo Packer 500
Industry: Print and Paper
Product: Calendars

Kallfass Super Wrap 950DL Shrink Wrapping Light Fittings

Machine: Super Wrap 950 DL
Industry: Technical Products
Product: Light Fittings

Kallfass Super Wrap 800 Servo Shrink Wrapping Insulation Boards

Machine: Super Wrap 800 Servo
Industry: Wood/Furniture/Interior
Product: Insulation Boards